According to me the work culture of the company is very good, everyone here is very much helpful, no doubt there is a communication barrier between us but it is acceptable. Being interviewed by the CEO after particular interval of time is very much encouraging for me as I got to learn about my progress as well as tells me the areas where I need to improve and how to do it. And also we got the opportunity to learn the Chinese language in the company itself, so it is a great opportunity for me to learn the language.
I am very grateful to YOI. Because as a Mechanical Engineer I have got a great exposure by joining this company and also I have got lots of opportunity here to enrich my knowledge. In YOI, there are many things to learn. I am very satisfied with YOI and also with the exposure that YOI has given me.
剛來 到這間公司,身為社會新鮮人的我,抱著既期待又害怕受傷害的心情,畢竟這是我的第一份工作,到了公司,還好同事、上司們都非常的友善,也很有耐心的指導,一步一步地,仔細指導讓我能夠更好的上手,我很慶幸我來到一個好的部門。來到這個部門之後,我抱著我就是來學習的心態,去學如何操作工具機、如何拋光、如何調整模仁高度,一開始其實覺得蠻受挫的,覺得怎麼跟我學校學的不同,但到後來心態轉變之後,開始熟能生巧,所以現在才漸漸有了起色,謝謝上司及同事們給我的加油打氣。
人生 第一份工作進來揚明光學,真的很幸運可以剛好在這三個月內歷經NQM這個案子,從最初版的Main Board從打件廠回來,連開機都狀況不斷的情形,一路跟著富有經驗的工程師團隊解決一項一項BUG,到現在第一台NQM光機的mockup即將要出貨。回想三個月前的我連光機架構、訊號傳輸原理都還不懂,到現在碰到問題已經可以試著去推測可能的原因,並且和其他有經驗的前輩們討論解決的方案,這一切都要感謝揚明與NQM這個案子能夠陪伴我一同成長。