The dividend policy of the Company is determined based on the Company Act and the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, being determined with respect to factors including the registered capital, financial structure, operational condition, earnings and the nature and cycle of the industry in which the Company operates. Dividends can be distributed in stock or in cash. While the optical industry in which the Company operates is in the growth period, there have been rooms for growth and development in the emerging market for application of optical products, dividends may be distributed in consideration of the industrial, financial, sales, and operational factors. Where cash dividends are distributed, the minimum amount shall be at least ten percent of the total dividends in stock and cash of the year. In the event that no earnings is available for distribution, or in consideration of the financial, sales, and operational factors of the Company, we may distribute part of or all of the reserve in accordance with the laws and regulations or the requirements of the competent authorities.

Dividend Information

    Cash Dividend Stock Dividend
Year Date of Annual General Meeting Dividend (NT$/share) Ex-dividend Record Date Dividend (NT$/share) Ex-dividend Record Date
2023 2024/06/19 - - - -
2022 2023/06/16 - - - -
2021 2022/06/17 - - - -
2020 2021/07/15 - - - -
2019 2020/06/12 - - - -
2018 2019/06/12 0.5 2019/07/28 - -
2017 2018/06/14 - - - -
2016 2017/06/13 - - - -
2015 2016/06/14 0.56 2016/07/20 - -
2014 2015/06/10 1.48 2016/07/07 - -
2013 2014/06/11 1.88 2014/07/21 - -
2012 2013/06/11 2.1 2013/07/14 - -
2011 2012/06/13 3.9 2012/07/10 - -
2010 2011/06/10 3.75 2011/07/10 - -
2009 2010/06/18 3.3 2010/07/19 - -
2008 2009/06/16 3.3 2009/07/20 - -
2007 2008/06/11 2.6 2008/08/29 0.3 2008/08/29
2006 2007/06/11 1.6 2007/08/01 1.6 2007/08/01
2005 2006/04/28 - - 2 2006/07/19
2004 2005/04/12 - - 5 2005/08/06
2003 2004/06/03 - - - -
2002 - - - - -
106 107/06/14 - -
105 106/06/13 - -
104 105/06/14 0.56 105/07/20
103 104/06/10 1.48 104/07/07
102 103/06/11 1.88 103/07/21
101 102/06/11 2.1 102/07/14
100 101/06/13 3.9 101/07/10
99 100/06/10 3.75 100/07/10
98 99/06/18 3.3 99/07/19
97 98/06/16 3.3 98/07/20
96 97/06/11 2.6 97/08/29
95 96/06/11 1.6 96/08/01
94 95/04/28 - -
93 94/04/12 - -
92 93/06/03 - -
91 - - -
106 107/06/14 - -
105 106/06/13 - -
104 105/06/14 - -
103 104/06/10 - -
102 103/06/11 - -
101 102/06/11 - -
100 101/06/13 - -
99 100/06/10 - -
98 99/06/18 - -
97 98/06/16 - -
96 97/06/11 0.3 97/08/29
95 96/06/11 1.6 96/08/01
94 95/04/28 2 95/07/19
93 94/04/12 5 94/08/06
92 93/06/03 - -
91 - - -